Firestarters School of Supernatural Ministry
Date/Time: Sunday's September 25th - Sunday December 11th
from 4 - 6 pm for 12 weeks
Location: Revival Lighthouse
2504 NW 2nd Ave
Boca Raton, FL 33431
This School has trained tens of thousands to move in radical miracles at Bethel Church in Redding, California!
This 12 week School will be taught by Pastor Paul and Shila Hungerford who are graduates from the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry! They were leaders in the Firestarters School at Bethel and have lead this School for the past 4 years at Revival Lighthouse Church!
Pastor Paul and Shila Hungerford are the Senior Pastor's of Revival Lighthouse Church. They host a TV show called IBurn TV, Preach at International Gospel Crusades, and Lead teams to minster at churches both in the United States and around the World Igniting Revival Fires!
Many from our past Schools are now traveling the world igniting revival fires and seeing thousands of miracles everywhere they go! They also have found their true identity in God as well as their assignment in ministry. This is a life changing school that will prepare you to walk into your supernatural destiny in God!
You will receive a Firestarters Manuel, learn how to move in supernatural evangelism, receive impartation, activation, download in identity, activate your ability to hear the voice of God, learn how to prophecy, heal the sick, and grow in words of knowledge!
Jesus tells us that we will do even greater things than he did by the power of the Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the grave! He lives in you and its time to let Him shine through your life like never before!
How to get started! Enroll by emailing Pastor Paul Hungerford at:
Please include your name, email address and phone number.
Please inquire about family discounts.
Cost for this School is $360.00 and it includes your Firestarters Manual.
Payment can be made online at our website
Click donate button for payment or make payment by check, cash or credit/debit card at first day of School.
Make Checks payable to Revival Lighthouse.
We look forward to an amazing 2016 Firestarters School of Supernatural Ministry!!!
Lets ignite the world on fire for God together!
Starts this Sunday September 25th at 4pm at Revival Lighthouse!!!